Sunday, April 29, 2007

Zeke's Worst Day Ever(otherwise known as Family Bike Ride Day)

Mack, Bodie, Andrea, and I decided to drag Zeke around Simi Valley on a family bike ride. Zeke does not feel like exercise activities fit into his busy schedule of video game playing, TV watching, and avoiding chores. Anyway, we rode up to our favorite rocky playground, then to coyote park, Grandma's and Grandpa's house(they weren't home), and Jamba Juice. Couple of pics below.

Mack and Bo were thrilled to be out, playing on the rocks.

Zeke was not. Look at that scowl...
Zeke...too cool for us and still not happy.

Those bike shorts used to be Mack's. Bo and Mack climbed all over these rocks.

The coyotes don't seem pleased. Zeke is almost smiling...

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