Sunday, September 21, 2008

Top of the Mountain with Prescott, Garrett and Mack

The boys asked to do the longer Lang Ranch loop - around 8 miles. There were a couple of crashes, some pushing up the hill, but no complaining. Good ride on a beautiful, cool evening.

Beginning of the ride after the first hill. Only ten more hills to go.
The first crash of the day. Prescott took the turn a little too fast and his front wheel washed out. At one point, his feet where above his head. He jumped up right away and said he was fine, so we pushed on.

Mack was all smiles before the steep climb to the top.

After some serious grunting and groaning, we all made it to the top of the big climb to claim our reward...the view.
Home...seems so far away. But it's all downhill from here.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mack and Garrett Ride in Lang Ranch

Took two of the boys for a ride today...Mack and G-man, his best friend.

Later, Mack was showing off a little. He was getting huge air with perfect form.