Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mack's Graduation from the 8th Grade

At times this year, Mack's academic progress felt like "one step forward, two steps back." If Mack decided that he wanted to do well on an assignment, he did well. If he didn't want to do well, he just wouldn't turn it in. Very frustrating. Happily, most of Mack's teachers really liked him, even though they all recognized his issue as an "effort" issue. Onto high school.......

Andrea and I agreed that Mack's graduation was one of the best we've ever been to. Unfortunately, we only have iPhone pics. Mack had a great time. While passing Mack his diploma, the principal, Mrs. Adams, whispered something in Mack's ear and gave him a hug. Andrea thought they might be withholding his degree.
When he walked back to us, we asked what she said. Mack said she asked him if he was finally ready to admit how much fun he had at Pinecrest School.

Mack and his buddy, Sun Kwan. Both were Jocks.

 At the end of ceremony, they had a student/parent dance. Mack was the first to wave his sobbing Mom up to dance. I was so proud of him.

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