First stop: Lost Wages to visit with Tank. We took a trip out to Hoover Dam and did some sight seeing at Red Rocks.
Here is a shot of the dam, and the auto bridge.
The Wall Crawlers: A memorial for the men who hung out over the edge.
I believe the official death count was 113 men.
One of the four giant intake towers.
They are building a freeway bypass around the dam. This is the bridge they are constructing across the gorge.
The view down.
The dam builders adopted a dog as the mascot. He is buried under the sign.
We also visited the Red Rocks area outside of Las Vegas. You could feel the spirituality that drew early Native Americans to this area.
Springdale, UT
Here is the view from the balcony of the lodge we stayed at.
We took a 16 mile "out and back" bike ride into Zion Canyon. Postcards in every direction.
One of the Patriarchs.
Looking upstream: the Virgin River.
Some female mule deer on the side of the road.
Farther up into Zion Canyon. Pictures do not do it justice.
Back at the mouth of Zion in Springdale, UT.
We spent a day mountain biking on Gooseberry Mesa at 5300 feet elev. On the mesa, we had views of Zion to the north. Just stunning.
Fat Boy wanna ride. Let's get to the trails.
That's what I'm talkin' about. Wicked drops and rocks...
My bike is one bad bitch, the Handsome One, El Guapo. The Lexus had no problem with the 15 mile off road ride to Goooseberry.
Eran riding one of the steeps.
The dead deer in the crevice along with the high winds, impending darkness, and cold air convinced us it was time to find a trail back to the truck.
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