Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mack and the Trail Serpent

Mack wanted to show me his new found biking skills - hucking huge drops and rolling big rocks. He and his friend, Cameron, worked all weekend on some ramps and berms. They returned home each night...dirty, stinky, and a little bloody.

On to the ride:

Mack dropping a really steep line. See the video at the bottom of this post for full effect.

Further up the trail, we ran into a trail serpent - this 3 foot gopher snake.

Mack wanted a closer look, then he did his best Steve Irwin, and carefully moved the snake off of the trail.

That is Big Mack behind the full-face helmet.

And finally, the top of the hill. At this point we are looking forward to 10 minutes of downhill bliss.

Big Mack's Video Highlights:

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