Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mack and the Trail Serpent

Mack wanted to show me his new found biking skills - hucking huge drops and rolling big rocks. He and his friend, Cameron, worked all weekend on some ramps and berms. They returned home each night...dirty, stinky, and a little bloody.

On to the ride:

Mack dropping a really steep line. See the video at the bottom of this post for full effect.

Further up the trail, we ran into a trail serpent - this 3 foot gopher snake.

Mack wanted a closer look, then he did his best Steve Irwin, and carefully moved the snake off of the trail.

That is Big Mack behind the full-face helmet.

And finally, the top of the hill. At this point we are looking forward to 10 minutes of downhill bliss.

Big Mack's Video Highlights:

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bodie Saddles Up(on a real mountainbike)

Bo and I took a ride at Corriganville Park at the east end of Simi Valley. They shot some Westerns there a while ago as well as some of the Tarzan movies. This was his first real ride on the bike he inherited from Zeke.

Bo is ready to go on the Big Bike.

Looks like a perfect fit. It actually took me some time to dial this in for him. His paws were not big enough to reach the hand brakes, so I had to notch them in a little.

Steep hill. Bo needed a little coaxing to come down this one, but he made it.

The highlight of the ride was the bowl. Many years ago they lined one of the valleys with cement and filled it with water to shoot the underwater scenes for Tarzan(crocodile wrestling, etc). Well, the bowl is still there, although empty, and it's great to bike through. Tough to see here, but Bo just dropped in from the lip(about ten feet high), and is about to roll over the bump, into a small banking turn, which shoots you out on the other side. Just like a rollercoaster. He loved it so much he rode it ten times.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

We had a low-key Thanksgiving this year - Just Andrea, Mack, Bo, Pap, Grandma, and me. Zeke was out in the desert by Edwards Airforce Base riding ATVs.

Andrea putting the finishing touches on the table. She did a wonderful job preparing the meal this year while Mack, Bo and I spent most of the day playing.

Mother and Daughter moment: in fairness, Andrea is wearing 3 inch clogs, but Grandma Sheila may be shrinking.

More proof. Mack is going to pass up Grandma this year.

Andrea's secret to preparing a great Thanksgiving feast? Answer: "Wine Glass Optional."

Andrea and her boys.

Finally dinner time! All smiles...

Post Turkey Dinner: Pumpkin Pie! Mack's tongue tells the story.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Vegas Desert - Deadhorse Loop

Back in October, went to Vegas to see the Jimmy Buffett concert. Got in a ride in the Cottonwood Valley area on the Deadhorse Loop. I rode this one back in Spring, and couldn't wait to do it again.

The trail ranged from smooth and flowy...
to rough and rocky...
to steep and barely rideable.

I guess this is why they call it Deadhorse Loop.

Some scenery shots.

Didn't see another person the whole time I was out there. Very peaceful.

Blades, Boards, and Balls

Some random sports photos over the last month or so.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween 2008!

Pumpkin Butchering!

Trick and Treating!(Yes, that is Mack on the right).