We celebrated Xmas a little later this year when Mack and Zeke returned from Pittsburgh. The kids are poised, waiting to be unleashed.

Mack is really starting to look like a young man.

Generally speaking, books are to Zeke like Kryptonite is to Superman, but he looks pretty thrilled to get the next Lemony Snicket book.

The Big Hit! We got the kids a Wii(from one of Santa's helpers in Pittsburgh - thanks Uncle Mike).

The nightly Wii tournaments have become trash-talking, raucous affairs. We all have our specialty games; for Mack it's the Madden NFL, Zeke crushes everyone at Tennis, and I became a Pro in bowling until Bodie knocked me out by beating me 5 times in a row. Little bastard. Even had Mack and Zeke repeatedly chanting, "You got beat by a four year old!" He's also pretty good at Baseball and Golf.
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