Monday, April 30, 2007

Bodie Takes Charge

Santa brought Bodie a new bicycle a few months ago, which he took to like a fish does water. Over the last couple of months, Bo has asked me several times to take the training wheels off of his "Lightning" bike, but I've always told him that I wanted to wait until I knew he was ready. He kept insisting that he was ready.

While at the park with Grandma Sheila today, Bo asked his friend, Devon, if he could try to ride his bike(smaller than Bo's, but no training wheels). I'm told he hopped on, smiled crookedly, and took off...with Grandma in chase.

Tonight, after dinner, and after he told me about his bike riding escapades at the park, he asked me to take the training wheels off his bike...again. We went out into the garage, and I began lecturing/whimpering to him, "Bo, this bike is bigger than what you rode're going to crash...and probably get hurt...and there might be blood...and I'm not sure this is a good idea...and I don't know if you're ready yet." He looked at me as if I was completely insane, and calmly and confidently said, " Daddy, go get your tools over there, and take these wheels off." Results below:
For the record: a certain someone from Seattle(Chris, I got the message) said Bo was ready to go a few months ago. Also for the record: Bo is 3 years, 9 months old.

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