Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bo's Realization

On the way to a Birthday party, after some quiet time in the car, Bo spoke these words of wisdom, "Hey Daddy, you know why the girls think I'm cute? It's because of the polka dots on my face..."

Mack, Bo and BBD in Long Canyon

Mack, Bo and Big Bad Dad took a a ride into the hills of Simi. We did a little jumping, dropped some of the steeps, and did some climbing. Here is Mack-man doing some slick rock riding.

Here is Bo...working on his jumping techniques.

Heading out the trail....

At the top of the climb...Spider Bo playing on the rock.

Mack staring off into the Great Unknown. Maybe someday, he will chase it.

Zeke's First Match

Unfortunately, I was not there to report, and Andrea is on the road. Zeke said he had a great time, but they lost 8 to 3.

Zeke's Power Serve

Zeke's Patented "Elephant with Ears" Serve

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mack's New Dawg

After test riding rigs all over southern California the last few weeks, Mack found a good deal on a Kona Dawg Deelux. OK for climbing, and mucho fun on the downhills. First, a little bike porn with Mack showing off the new Dawg.

Putting it through the paces. Hitting the drop at the park.

And later, some riding through the local hills. Verdict: little heavy on the climbs, although Mack cleared a couple of technical climbs he never made before. Lots of fun on the downhills. Mack said it was like floating on a carpet.