The calm before the storm......

...and the storm begins.
Doesn't Zeke look stoked to be getting mechanical pencils?

Bo and Z scored some sweet Penguins swag.

The rest of the damage...

Zeke opened all of his presents in 6 seconds. Mack hit euphoric levels when he opened the latest World of Warcraft - Litch King computer game. Bodie paced himself, but seemed very excited about his Nerf Gun.
They were all jazzed about the new Wii accessories and games. And if you haven't heard from them, they are very thankful for all of the wonderful gifts.
Merry Christmas!
And now a brief, personal message from Bo to Mack and Zeke:

Oh yeah, Mack and Zeke. I'm too young to play World of Warcraft with you.
Just wait 'til I pop a Nerf cap in your ass.