Headed up the coast to Santa Barbara for a quick trip to the zoo. Great little zoo, perfect for young legs, and old bodies.

I asked Bo to do his best imitation of the alligator.

This was the first time I saw the leopard so active...he paced back and forth a few times, and then "marked" his territory all over the plexi-glass. Bo was impressed.

The sea lions traded up to better digs in a new zoo, and these very cute and stinky Humboldt penguins moved in.

Mommy and Bo looking at elephant butts.

The Lion King on Pride Rock.

And just around, the corner, the Giraffe exhibit, Bodies favorite.

...and arguably the zoo's highest profile celebrity...the famous crooked-neck giraffe(or as Bodie called her, the long neck crooked giraffe). Nobody knows exactly what happened to her(some think she dropped incorrectly at birth and broke her neck), but she's completely functioning, and even became a mommy a couple of years ago.

Bodie and Mommie admiring the desert tortoise exhibit.

Then, onto the Gorilla enclosure. Bodie watched this Silverback rip a branch off of a tree, put it into his mouth, and slowly walk into his cave...and then Bo told me that the Gorilla reminded him of me.

I believe both of the Bald Eagles were rescued after being shot...no longer able to fly.

Some playground action...

Then off to lunch at the pier.