We took a trip south to San Diego, and visited the Zoo and Legoland. Here are a couple of pics:

Bo and his monkey.

Zeke doing his best "Blue Steel,"(Gorilla variation) and Bo doing his best "Standing Dork(also known as "The Bo")."

Zeke teaching another driver a lesson by giving him "The Stare."
P.S. (Zeke blew through 10 STOP signs and 5 red lights in approximately 2 1/2 minutes. He will not be getting his driver's license until his 30th birthday).

Zeke and Mack scaling the "Wall of Doom."

Bodie faked to the inside then went outside blowing by the little girl in the back while hitting a top speed of 2.4 MPH.
Some other pics:

The Zoo was amazing, but a bit large. We were there from 9:30 until 4:00, and walked continuously, except for a brief lunch stop. The highlights: Mack loved the Reptile section, especially the snakes, Bo seemed impressed by the Giraffes, and Zeke was enamored with the Gift shops.